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Cádiz 1513



The first ever painting of Cádiz dates from 1513. Many have spoken of it, but very few know its origin. This route will take us to decipher the reasons for its creation, as well as to travel to the city at the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Age to discover its buildings, how the city functioned and the daily life of its inhabitants.

2 Hours Duration
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2 Hours Duration
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  • Spin-off born in the University of Cadiz
  • Historical tours- emanating from research and studies
  • Episodes of Cádiz History


1d3milhistorias is made up of a multidisciplinary team led by Santiago Moreno. PhD in Contemporary History from the University of Cadiz and member of the Esteban de Boutelou Historical Studies Research Group (HUM-332). Author of the books La clase obrera gaditana (1949-1959): una Historia Social a través de las fuentes populares (2006) and Periodistas represaliados en Cádiz (2008). Co-author, together with Julio Malo de Molina and Javier Osuna, of Las torres de la luz (2014). He has coordinated, among other publications: Marginados, Disidentes y Olvidados en la Historia (2009), Fermín Salvochea: Historia de un internacionalista (2009) and La destrucción de la Democracia: vida y muerte de los alcaldes del Frente Popular en la provincia de Cádiz (2012). He has been teaching on the Master's Degree in Hispanic Studies at the UCA since 2011.

The main reason why we are undertaking 1d3milhistorias comes from the need to give social and economic utility to the different research and contributions that the research groups at the University of Cadiz are generating from the humanities. Traditionally, research production has remained within the academic circle: readings at conferences, specialised publications, doctoral theses, etc. However, our aim is to discover for society that wisdom that only at certain times emerges from the classroom or the laboratory. We will therefore build bridges between academia and the general public.

Before you Go

It is recommended to wear comfortable shoes

Cancellation policy

Las condiciones de desestimación vienen marcadas por la política de cancelación de la empresa que presta el servicio contratado. Para ampliar esta información consulte con nuestro personal.
- El ticket será válido únicamente para la fecha que figura.
- El ticket debe de ser entregado y presentado al inicio de la actividad al guía o empresa que desempeña la actividad contratada.
- La empresa no se hace responsable de la pérdida o mal uso del ticket. En caso de pérdida no está permitido la duplicidad de los tickets.
- Puede contactar con nosotros en el 900 92 00 92 o en el mail

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Quiosco City Expert: Plaza San Juan de Dios esquina con C/Pelota
Cadiz, Spain